Today's Daily Bulletin
7 years ago

Daily Bulletin
Tuesday, 5/8/2018
GOOD MORNING BENGALS! It’s a Great Day at Woodlake Valley Middle School.
Good Morning Bengals! Please stand for the flag salute and remain standing for the morning announcements. Hand over your heart, eye on a star, showing respect the entire time; ready; SALUTE
Today’s Brunch: Cheese stick, graham, fresh apple, and fruit juice.
Today’s Lunch: Frito boat with beans, diced onion, jalapenos, fresh garden salad with Bar W ranch dressing, and rowdy mixed fruit.
We are on an even schedule today. You will go to periods 2, 4, 6, and 8.
Bengal Baseball fought hard at home against Three Rivers yesterday. Top hitters were Andres Rodriguez, CJ Ray, Junior Cervantes, Kyle Finney, Regan Henderson and Daniel Lopez. Cervantes and Ray shared pitching duties for the Bengals. The Bengals will play at home on Wednesday against Lemon Cove. Come out and support our players in what will likely be the final home game of the season.
Varsity softball broke a last inning tie to beat Three Rivers yesterday at home. All the girls played hard and it was a team victory. Good luck tomorrow as you finish your season at home against Sequoia Union.
Attention Builders Club Kids!! Please see Mrs. Hengst if you are going to walk downtown with her to get donations for our Blue Star Moms campaign. She has some cool shirts for us to wear as we are collecting. Come see her at brunch and get your shirt. Again, Builders Club kids who are going downtown today, see Mrs. Hengst at brunch to get your cool Blue Star Mom shirts!!!
Hey, peace-out y'all!! Happy Farmer v. Hippie Day!! Come on out to the quad for some groovy, downhome games! Win PRIDE cards, prizes and grade level points. We'll see you at lunch today!
Hey y'all tomorrow's Western Week day is Farm Animal Day!! So wear a solid yellow shirt (for a chicken), all pink (for a pig), black & white (for a dairy cow), brown (for a horse), etc. or better yet, wear a shirt that has a farm animal on it!! We'll have some farm animals on campus and you can participate in some fun lunchtime games. We'll be in the Outback for tomorrow under the shade. So we'll see you all at Farm Animal Day tomorrow! YEE-HAW!!
Are you bringing your donations for the Central Valley Blue Star Mom's Donation Drive? Donations will be collected in your 1st period class until May 18th, that’s only 2 more weeks. Look for posters on the bulletin boards and your classrooms for a list of requested items from our service members. Keep the donations coming Bengals.
Thank you Bengals and have a great day at Woodlake Valley Middle School where we show PRIDE
Upcoming Events:
5/1 Varsity & JV Softball/Baseball at Farmersville Jr. HS
5/1 Staff Meeting
5/3 Varsity Softball/Baseball at Pioneer MS, Porterville
5/7 Varsity Softball/Baseball vs. Three Rivers MS
5/9 Band Pictures
5/9 Varsity Softball/Baseball vs. Sequoia Union, Lemon Cove
5/9 SSC Meeting
5/10 Spring Sports Pictures
5/10 SPED To Mooney Grove Park/Quantum Leap
5/11 Ste-up Art Showcase, ASP Building
5/15 Softball/Baseball League Tournament
5/16 GATE College Trip
5/24 Open Gym – Volleyball
5/24 Spring Band Concert
5/29 Open Gym – Volleyball
5/31 Open Gym – Volleyball
5/31 Choir Concert, PAB